Many years have passed since my first collaboration with Great Place to Work … Almost 7 …
One afternoon in 2011 Dimitris Ganoudis called me and proposed that I present the awards that year. And since then, our annual appointment has been established.
No matter where I was, I would always find a way to be close to them.
The messages that we’ve been exchanging were always so inclusive … Perhaps because people who want to be connected always find a way, the bridges to traverse to reach each other.
“I know you are not Greece, but are you interested?”
“I can do it, no matter when it is. I’ll be there.”
Those who know me know that I was never very good with numbers, but I know one thing: that success or failure is always determined by heart. I firmly believe that this overused, much-abused phrase known as a “good working environment”, determines and drives everything.
And as I have spent most of my time since I became an adult working, working incessantly, in different working environments, as I grow older, I always look for my own “job” happiness where I leave my mind and my soul.
And maybe I am one of the lucky ones since I do what I love in life.
Because I believe with all my heart that it is worth doing something you love, devoting yourself to something you believe in with someone who inspires you.
Otherwise, the working daily routine become unbalanced and unbearable. The body in one place and the soul somewhere else… the heart in one place and the mind in another.
And how to endure such a life…
And the Great Place to work, enchanted me since it does exactly this; it rewards companies with the best working environments. Those companies that invest in the most important capital: their people. This is a lengthy and demanding process, that includes questionnaires filled in anonymously by employees in conjunction with many other parameters.
Something really rare happens every year. My heart is “blossoming”, I feel very proud because in a Greece suffering from this unprecedented recession, there really are some great entrepreneurs and businessmen. Entrepreneurs who believe in the most unpredictable of variables, but that which is the most decisive: in people.
Nobody, of course, claims that you can find out there what we call “perfect jobs”. As there is pretty much nothing perfect in life in absolute terms.
But I believe in these two great words “love” and “sense of honor and pride” (in Greek “filotimo”). Which are not only imposed but inspired.
Regardless of how high you have climbed in the hierarchy, never forget to treat the people with whom you share the same office, the same vision and the same goals as you would like your child to be treated – years later – by his or her own colleagues.
A big thank you from my heart to all these businessmen, all these HR people who invest in Greece, who believe in this country, who continue investing, working, creating, and shaping the Greece of tomorrow. And do so against predictions, adversities and economic evisceration. Against all odds. You are the Greece that drives us to carry on.
A huge “thank you” to Dimitris Ganoudis and Anthi Tsentou because we always see the same sky …
With love,
PS. Working in a collapsing media system is certainly not the best working environment (perhaps for this reason, no company in the field of journalism and communication has been awarded in recent years); but I want to personally thank all these wonderful people, all my colleagues and bosses for being fortunate enough to have worked with you and for having stood up for us and prevented the system from imploding on your employees. And thankfully you were not just one or two isolated individuals. You were many.
Results 2017
Great Place to Work®Hellas published on Sunday 2 April 2017 the results of the Best Workplaces 2017 survey, the largest survey of the work environment in Greece, with the names of the best companies that received honors for this year.
In the Best Workplaces 2017 survey, conducted for the 15th consecutive year in our country with the academic support of ALBA Graduate Business School at The American College of Greece, there are 25 companies divided into three categories according to the number of their employees:
The 10 best companies with over 250 employees, the top 10 companies with 50 to 250 employees and the 5 best companies with 20 to 49 employees.
More than 64 companies participated in the Best Workplaces survey in Greece for 2017, and 15,646 employees were surveyed anonymously.
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